Digital Ship's Vessel Performance Info events explore how the shipping industry can reduce fuel costs and find its pathway to net zero CO2 emissions. Our 2025 events are now open for registration.
VPi Forum Athens - 25 February 2025
25th February, 2025
On February 25th, Digital Ship / Vessel Performance Info will run our fourth vessel performance technology event, focussing on how we can better understand the vessel's performance.
Reducing fuel costs is a big challenge covering equipment, data, and people onboard and onshore. What data is useful, how should you work with it, manage it and communicate it, and use it to drive better decisions? How should you trust the results, and persuade colleagues onboard and onshore to also trust the results? How much is data from one vessel applicable to another?
How do you use the data to improve decision making around capital investments - novel ship designs and more fuel equipment propulsion systems? How should the data drive operational expenditure decisions, including renewing coatings to something more fuel efficient, and more frequent hull and propeller defouling? And there are many investments you could make in monitoring and data analytics systems- but do they provide ROI?
And the shipping industry is coming under increasing pressure to find a pathway to "net zero" CO2 emissions. Reducing fuel costs is a major part of that but not all. How much do today's shipping companies need to be exploring different fuel options such as LNG - and considering if LNG power is a viable pathway to net zero is the gas can be made synthetically? Or are batteries and fuel cells the way forward?
Sponsorship and Exhibitions Opportunities
Call for speakers
Shipping company employees - please contact Conference Producer Matt Stevens on matt@thedigitalship.com / Tel +44 (0)208 150 5292
Speaker-sponsorship opportunites – please contact Sales Manager David Jeffries on djeffries@vpoglobal.com / Tel +44 (0)208 150 5293